Thursday, March 19, 2009


....where's your belly button?

lately, things have been slow with a.lynn photography. we've had no sessions to blog about and won't for a couple weeks. andrea had surgery two weeks ago and is unable to photograph sessions for 4-6 weeks. so in order to keep updating our blog, we have picked a few of our favorite "outtakes" from previous sessions for your viewing pleasure. "outtakes" are the test shots we take before composing the final shot. these images are adorable and humorous at times and usually we only keep them to ourselves because they may not have the best lighting etc, but we are going to go against the grain to show the fun and goofy side of our sessions. enjoy!

....wink, wink!

....girls just wanna have fun!

....are we done yet?

....please get my good side!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to see your light heartness. You've got talent!